Capacitor plugin to manage app shortcuts and quick actions.
Prop | Type | Description | Since |
shortcuts |
Shortcut[] |
The list of app shortcuts that should be set by default. Only available on Android and iOS. | 7.2.0 |
In capacitor.config.json
In capacitor.config.ts
/// <reference types="@capawesome/capacitor-app-shortcuts" />
import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';
const config: CapacitorConfig = {
plugins: {
AppShortcuts: {
shortcuts: [{ id: 'feedback', title: 'Feedback' }],
export default config;
On iOS, you must add the following to your app's AppDelegate.swift
+ import CapawesomeCapacitorAppShortcuts
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
+ if let shortcutItem = launchOptions?[.shortcutItem] as? UIApplicationShortcutItem {
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(AppShortcutsPlugin.notificationName), object: nil, userInfo: [AppShortcutsPlugin.userInfoShortcutItemKey: shortcutItem])
+ return true
+ }
return true
+ func application(_ application: UIApplication, performActionFor shortcutItem: UIApplicationShortcutItem, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
+ NotificationCenter.default.post(name: NSNotification.Name(AppShortcutsPlugin.notificationName), object: nil, userInfo: [AppShortcutsPlugin.userInfoShortcutItemKey: shortcutItem])
+ completionHandler(true)
+ }
A working example can be found here.
Android | iOS |
import { AppShortcuts } from '@capawesome/capacitor-app-shortcuts';
const clear = async () => {
await AppShortcuts.clear();
const get = async () => {
const result = await AppShortcuts.get();
return result.shortcuts;
const set = async () => {
await AppShortcuts.set({
shortcuts: [
id: 'feedback',
title: 'Feedback',
description: 'Send us your feedback',
id: 'rate',
title: 'Rate',
description: 'Rate our app',
const addListener = async () => {
AppShortcuts.addListener('click', (event) => {
console.log('Shortcut clicked:', event.id);
Remove all app shortcuts.
Only available on Android and iOS.
Since: 6.0.0
Get all app shortcuts.
Only available on Android and iOS.
Returns: Promise<GetResult>
Since: 6.0.0
Create or update app shortcuts.
Only available on Android and iOS.
Param | Type |
options |
SetOptions |
Since: 6.0.0
addListener('click', ...)¶
addListener(eventName: 'click', listenerFunc: (event: ClickEvent) => void) => Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Called when an app shortcut is clicked.
Only available on Android and iOS.
Param | Type |
eventName |
'click' |
listenerFunc |
(event: ClickEvent) => void |
Returns: Promise<PluginListenerHandle>
Since: 6.0.0
Remove all listeners for this plugin.
Since: 6.0.0
Prop | Type | Description | Since |
shortcuts |
Shortcut[] |
The list of app shortcuts. | 6.0.0 |
Prop | Type | Description | Since |
description |
string |
The description. On Android, the launcher shows this instead of the short title when it has enough space. Attention: On iOS, the icon and the description must be used together. | 6.0.0 |
id |
string |
The unique identifier. | 6.0.0 |
title |
string |
The display name. | 6.0.0 |
icon |
string | number |
The icon to display. On Android, the icon is the constant integer value of the R.drawable enum (e.g. 17301547 ). On iOS, the icon can be one of the following: - The constant integer value of the UIApplicationShortcutIcon.IconType enum (e.g. 6 ). - A system symbol name (e.g. star.fill ). - Name of the image asset from the asset catalogue. |
6.1.0 |
androidIcon |
number |
The icon to display on Android. The icon is the constant integer value of the R.drawable enum (e.g. 17301547 ). |
7.2.0 |
iosIcon |
string | number |
The icon to display on iOS. The icon can be one of the following: - The constant integer value of the UIApplicationShortcutIcon.IconType enum (e.g. 6 ). - A system symbol name (e.g. star.fill ). - Name of the image asset from the asset catalogue. |
7.2.0 |
Prop | Type | Description | Since |
shortcuts |
Shortcut[] |
The list of app shortcuts. | 6.0.0 |
Prop | Type |
remove |
() => Promise<void> |
Prop | Type | Description | Since |
shortcutId |
string |
The unique identifier of the app shortcut that was clicked. | 6.0.0 |