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Unofficial Capacitor plugin for Cloudinary SDK.1


Capacitor Cloudinary allows you to use the native Cloudinary SDKs to upload files directly from the filesystem without going through the WebView.


npm install @capawesome/capacitor-cloudinary
npx cap sync


This API requires the following permission be added to your AndroidManifest.xml before the application tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DOWNLOAD_WITHOUT_NOTIFICATION" />

You also need to add the following receiver inside the application tag in your AndroidManifest.xml:

<receiver android:name="io.capawesome.capacitorjs.plugins.cloudinary.DownloadBroadcastReceiver" android:exported="true">
    <action android:name="android.intent.action.DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE"/>


This plugin will use the following project variables (defined in your app’s variables.gradle file):

  • $cloudinaryAndroidVersion version of com.cloudinary:cloudinary-android (default: 3.0.2)


No configuration required for this plugin.


A working example can be found here: robingenz/capacitor-plugin-demo


import { Cloudinary, ResourceType } from '@capawesome/capacitor-cloudinary';

const initialize = async () => {
  await Cloudinary.initialize({ cloudName: 'my_cloud_name' });

const uploadResource = async () => {
  await Cloudinary.uploadResource({
    path: 'file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/22A433FD-D82D-4989-8BE6-9FC49DEA20BB/Images/test.png',
    publicId: 'my_public_id',
    resourceType: ResourceType.image,
    uploadPreset: 'my_preset',

const downloadResource = async () => {
  const { path } = await Cloudinary.downloadResource({
    url: '',
  return path;



initialize(options: InitializeOptions) => Promise<void>

Initialize the plugin.

This method must be called once before all other methods.

Param Type
options InitializeOptions

Since: 0.0.1


uploadResource(options: UploadResourceOptions) => Promise<UploadResourceResult>

Upload a file to Cloudinary.

Note: Currently, only unsigned uploads are supported.

Param Type
options UploadResourceOptions

Returns: Promise<UploadResourceResult>

Since: 0.0.1


downloadResource(options: DownloadResourceOptions) => Promise<DownloadResourceResult>

Download a file from Cloudinary.

On Android, the file will be downloaded to the Downloads directory. On iOS, the file will be downloaded to the temporary directory.

It is recommended to copy the file to a permanent location for further processing after downloading.

Param Type
options DownloadResourceOptions

Returns: Promise<DownloadResourceResult>

Since: 0.0.3



Prop Type Description Since
cloudName string The cloud name of your app which you can find in the Cloudinary Management Console. 0.0.1


Prop Type Description Since
assetId string The unique asset identifier of the uploaded resource. Only available on Android and Web. 0.0.1
bytes number The number of bytes of the uploaded resource. 0.0.1
createdAt string The timestamp at which the resource was uploaded. 0.0.1
duration number The duration of the uploaded resource in seconds. 0.1.5
format string The format of the uploaded resource. 0.0.1
height number The height of the uploaded resource. 0.1.4
originalFilename string The original filename of the uploaded resource. Only available on Android and iOS. 0.0.1
resourceType ResourceType The resource type of the uploaded resource. 0.0.1
publicId string The unique public identifier of the uploaded resource. 0.0.1
url string The url of the uploaded resource. 0.0.1
secureUrl string The secure url of the uploaded resource. 5.1.0
width number The width of the uploaded resource. 0.1.4


Prop Type Description Since
resourceType ResourceType The resource type to upload. 0.0.1
blob Blob The file to upload. Only available on Web. 0.0.1
uploadPreset string The selected upload preset. 0.0.1
path string The path of the file to upload. Only available on Android and iOS. 0.0.1
publicId string Assign a unique public identifier to the resource. 0.0.1


Prop Type Description Since
path string The path of the downloaded resource where it is stored on the device. Only available on Android and iOS. 0.0.3
blob Blob The downloaded resource as a blob. Only available on Web. 0.0.1


Prop Type Description Since
url string The url of the resource to download. 0.0.3



Members Value Since
Image 'image' 0.0.1
Video 'video' 0.0.1
Raw 'raw' 0.0.1


See docs/utils/






This plugin is based on the Capacitor Cloudinary plugin. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the project!

  1. This project is not affiliated with, endorsed by, sponsored by, or approved by Cloudinary Ltd. or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.