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Capacitor plugin to read, write, or select device contacts.


  • 🖥️ Cross-platform: Supports Android, iOS and Web.
  • 📇 Contacts: Create, update, delete and retrieve device contacts.
  • 📌 Groups: Create, update, delete and retrieve contact groups on iOS. (Coming soon!)
  • 🎫 Accounts: Add contacts to specific accounts on Android. (Coming soon!)
  • 📖 Pagination: Paginate through contacts to avoid performance issues. (Coming soon!)
  • 🔍 Filtering: Filter contacts by ID, email, phone number, etc. (Coming soon!)
  • 📋 Picking: Let the user select a device contact.
  • 🖼️ Photos: Set, update and retrieve contact photos.
  • 📦 SPM: Supports Swift Package Manager for iOS.
  • 🔁 Up-to-date: Always supports the latest Capacitor version.
  • ⭐️ Support: First-class support from the Capawesome Team.


Plugin Version Capacitor Version Status
7.x.x >=7.x.x Active support


This plugin is only available to Capawesome Insiders. First, make sure you have the Capawesome npm registry set up. You can do this by running the following commands:

npm config set @capawesome-team:registry
npm config set // <YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>

Attention: Replace <YOUR_LICENSE_KEY> with the license key you received from Polar. If you don't have a license key yet, you can get one by becoming a Capawesome Insider.

Next, install the package:

npm install @capawesome-team/capacitor-contacts
npx cap sync



This API requires the following permissions be added to your AndroidManifest.xml before or after the application tag:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />


If you are using Proguard, you need to add the following rules to your file:

-keep class io.capawesome.capacitorjs.plugins.** { *; }


Privacy Descriptions

Add the NSContactsUsageDescription key to the ios/App/App/Info.plist file, which tells the user why your app needs access to the user's contacts:

<string>We need access to your contacts to display them in the app.</string>


To access the note field of a contact, your app must have the entitlement. Check out the Apple documentation for more information.

If you don't need access to the note field, you can skip this step.


No configuration required for this plugin.


import { 
} from '@capawesome-team/capacitor-contacts';

const createContact = async () => {
  return Contacts.createContact({
    contact: {
      givenName: 'John',
      familyName: 'Doe',
      emailAddresses: [
          value: '[email protected]',
          type: EmailAddressType.Home,
          isPrimary: true
      phoneNumbers: [
          value: '1234567890',
          type: PhoneNumberType.Mobile,
          isPrimary: true
      postalAddresses: [
          street: '123 Main St',
          city: 'Springfield',
          state: 'IL',
          postalCode: '62701',
          country: 'USA',
          type: PostalAddressType.Home,
          isPrimary: true

const getContacts = async () => {
  const { contacts } = await Contacts.getContacts();
  return contacts;

const getContactById = async (id: string) => {
  const { contact } = await Contacts.getContactById({ id });
  return contact;

const deleteContactById = async (id: string) => {
  await Contacts.deleteContactById({ id });

const isSupported = async () => {
  const { isSupported } = await Contacts.isSupported();
  return isSupported;

const checkPermissions = async () => {
  return Contacts.checkPermissions();

const requestPermissions = async () => {
  return Contacts.requestPermissions();



createContact(options: CreateContactOptions) => Promise<CreateContactResult>

Create a new contact on the device.

Only available on Android and iOS.

Param Type
options CreateContactOptions

Returns: Promise<CreateContactResult>

Since: 7.0.0


deleteContactById(options: DeleteContactByIdOptions) => Promise<void>

Delete a contact from the device.

Only available on Android and iOS.

Param Type
options DeleteContactByIdOptions

Since: 7.0.0


getContactById(options: GetContactByIdOptions) => Promise<GetContactByIdResult>

Find a contact by identifier.

Only available on Android and iOS.

Param Type
options GetContactByIdOptions

Returns: Promise<GetContactByIdResult>

Since: 7.0.0


getContacts(options?: GetContactsOptions | undefined) => Promise<GetContactsResult>

List all contacts on the device.

Only available on Android and iOS.

Param Type
options GetContactsOptions

Returns: Promise<GetContactsResult>

Since: 7.0.0


isSupported() => Promise<IsSupportedResult>

Check if the contacts API is available on the device.

Returns: Promise<IsSupportedResult>

Since: 7.0.0


pickContact(options?: PickContactOptions | undefined) => Promise<PickContactResult>

Open the contact picker to select a contact from the device.

Only available on web.

Param Type
options PickContactOptions

Returns: Promise<PickContactResult>

Since: 7.0.0


checkPermissions() => Promise<PermissionStatus>

Check permissions to access contacts.

Only available on Android and iOS.

Returns: Promise<PermissionStatus>

Since: 7.0.0


requestPermissions(options?: RequestPermissionsOptions | undefined) => Promise<PermissionStatus>

Request permissions to access contacts.

Only available on Android and iOS.

Param Type
options RequestPermissionsOptions

Returns: Promise<PermissionStatus>

Since: 7.0.0



Prop Type Description Since
id string The identifier for the created contact. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Since
contact Omit<Contact, 'id'> The contact to create. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Since
emailAddresses EmailAddress[] The list of email addresses for the contact. 7.0.0
familyName string The family name of the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
givenName string The given name of the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
id string The identifier for the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
jobTitle string The job title of the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
middleName string The middle name of the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
fullName string The full name of the contact. Only available on Web. 7.0.0
namePrefix string The name prefix of the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
nameSuffix string The name suffix of the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
note string A note about the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
organizationName string The organization name of the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
phoneNumbers PhoneNumber[] The list of phone numbers for the contact. 7.0.0
photo string The photo of the contact as a base64 string. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
postalAddresses PostalAddress[] The list of postal addresses for the contact. 7.0.0
urlAddresses UrlAddress[] The list of URL addresses for the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Default Since
isPrimary boolean Whether this email address is the primary one for the contact. false 7.0.0
label string A custom label for the email address. On iOS, this label is only set if the type is EmailAddressType.Custom. 7.0.0
type EmailAddressType The type of email address. EmailAddressType.Other 7.0.0
value string The email address. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Default Since
isPrimary boolean Whether this email address is the primary one for the contact. 7.0.0
label string A custom label for the phone number. On iOS, this label is only set if the type is PhoneNumberType.Custom. 7.0.0
type PhoneNumberType The type of phone number. PhoneNumberType.Other 7.0.0
value string The phone number.


Prop Type Description Default Since
city string
country string
formatted string The formatted postal address. Note: This property can not be set. It is only available when reading contacts. 7.0.0
isoCountryCode string The ISO country code for the postal address. Only available on iOS. 7.0.0
isPrimary boolean Whether this postal address is the primary one for the contact. Only available on Android and iOS. false 7.0.0
label string A custom label for the postal address. On iOS, this label is only set if the type is PostalAddressType.Custom. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
neighborhood string The neighborhood for the postal address. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
postalCode string The postal code for the postal address. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
state string The state for the postal address. 7.0.0
street string The street for the postal address. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
type PostalAddressType The type of postal address. Only available on Android and iOS. PostalAddressType.Other 7.0.0


Prop Type Description
value string The URL address.


Prop Type Description Since
id string The identifier for the contact. 7.0.0


Prop Type
contact Contact | null


Prop Type Description Default Since
fields (keyof Contact)[] The fields to return for the contact. ['emailAddresses', 'familyName', 'givenName', 'id', 'jobTitle', 'middleName', 'namePrefix', 'nameSuffix', 'organizationName', 'phoneNumbers', 'postalAddresses', 'urlAddresses'] 7.1.0
id string The identifier for the contact. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Since
contacts Contact[] The list of contacts on the device. Note: No photos are returned to avoid performance issues. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Default Since
fields (keyof Contact)[] The fields to return for the contact. ['emailAddresses', 'familyName', 'givenName', 'id', 'jobTitle', 'middleName', 'namePrefix', 'nameSuffix', 'organizationName', 'phoneNumbers', 'postalAddresses', 'urlAddresses'] 7.1.0


Prop Type Description Since
isSupported boolean Whether the contacts API is available on the device. This is always true on Android and iOS. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Since
contacts Contact[] The selected contacts. Empty if none were selected. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Default Since
multiple boolean Whether to allow selecting multiple contacts. Only available on Web. false 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Since
readContacts ContactsPermissionState Permission state for reading contacts. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0
writeContacts ContactsPermissionState Permission state for writing contacts. Only available on Android and iOS. 7.0.0


Prop Type Description Default Since
permissions ContactsPermissionType[] The permissions to request. ['readContacts', 'writeContacts'] 7.0.0

Type Aliases


Construct a type with the properties of T except for those in type K.

Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>


From T, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union K




Exclude from T those types that are assignable to U

T extends U ? never : T


keyof Contact


PermissionState | 'limited'


'prompt' | 'prompt-with-rationale' | 'granted' | 'denied'


'readContacts' | 'writeContacts'



Members Value Description Since
Custom 'CUSTOM' 7.0.0
Home 'HOME' 7.0.0
ICloud 'ICLOUD' Only available on iOS. 7.0.0
Mobile 'MOBILE' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Other 'OTHER' 7.0.0
School 'SCHOOL' Only available on iOS. 7.0.0
Work 'WORK' 7.0.0


Members Value Description Since
Assistant 'ASSISTANT' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Callback 'CALLBACK' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Car 'CAR' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
CompanyMain 'COMPANY_MAIN' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Custom 'CUSTOM' 7.0.0
FaxHome 'FAX_HOME' 7.0.0
FaxOther 'FAX_OTHER' 7.0.0
FaxWork 'FAX_WORK' 7.0.0
Home 'HOME' 7.0.0
IPhone 'IPHONE' Only available on iOS. 7.0.0
Isdn 'ISDN' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Main 'MAIN' 7.0.0
Mms 'MMS' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Mobile 'MOBILE' 7.0.0
Other 'OTHER' 7.0.0
Pager 'PAGER' 7.0.0
Radio 'RADIO' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Telex 'TELEX' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
TtyTdd 'TTY_TDD' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
Work 'WORK' 7.0.0
WorkMobile 'WORK_MOBILE' Only available on Android. 7.0.0
WorkPager 'WORK_PAGER' Only available on Android. 7.0.0


Members Value Since
Custom 'CUSTOM' 7.0.0
Home 'HOME' 7.0.0
Other 'OTHER' 7.0.0
Work 'WORK' 7.0.0


