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Git Integration

Capawesome Cloud offers a lightweight Git integration that allows you to link your bundles to Git commits. This way, you can easily track which version of your app is currently live and which changes have been made since the last update.

Enable Git integration

To enable Git integration, simply edit the app in the Capawesome Cloud Console, enable the Git integration toggle and provide the URL of the Git repository:

After saving the changes, the Git integration is enabled for your app and a new Commit column is displayed in the list of bundles. This column shows the commit message, ref and hash of the linked Git commit, if available.

Create a bundle

When creating a new bundle, you can now link it to a specific Git commit. For this, you need to provide the commit message, the commit ref and the commit hash when creating the bundle via the Capawesome CLI:

npx capawesome apps:bundles:create --commit-message "feat: support in-app purchases" --commit-ref "main" --commit-sha "b0cb01e"

We recommend using a CI/CD pipeline to automate the creation of bundles and linking them to Git commits. For example, you can use the following step in a GitHub Actions workflow to set the correct commit message, ref and hash:

- name: Create a bundle on Capawesome Cloud
  run: |
    npx capawesome apps:bundles:create \
      --appId 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 \
      --path www \
      --commit-message $(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%s") \
      --commit-ref ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }} \
      --commit-sha ${{ github.sha }}

Git integration is only supported from v1.6.0 of the Capawesome CLI.