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Getting started with Insiders

In order to access our Sponsorware, you need to become an eligible sponsor of Capawesome on Polar. As soon as you've completed the sponsorship, your license key will be displayed immediately on the checkout page. You can also find it at any time in the Polar Customer Portal.


Follow these steps to install the private packages:

  1. Configure the Capawesome npm registry:

    npm config set @capawesome-team:registry
    npm config set // <YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>

    Attention: Replace <YOUR_LICENSE_KEY> with the license key you received from Polar.

  2. Install the plugin:

    npm install @capawesome-team/<plugin-name>
    npx cap sync

CI/CD Configuration

Follow the steps in this section to configure your CI/CD environment to install the private packages.

AWS Amplify

Follow these steps if you are using AWS Amplify as your CI/CD environment:

  1. Get the license key and add it to your AWS Amplify environment as an environment variable with the name CAPAWESOME_TOKEN as described in Environment variables.
  2. Create or update the amplify.yml file in the root of your project and add the following commands to the preBuild phase:

    - echo "@capawesome-team:registry=" >> .npmrc
    - echo "//${CAPAWESOME_TOKEN}" >> .npmrc

    Here is an example of a complete amplify.yml file:

    version: 1
            - echo "@capawesome-team:registry=" >> .npmrc
            - echo "//${CAPAWESOME_TOKEN}" >> .npmrc
            - npm ci
            - npm run build
        baseDirectory: dist
          - '**/*'

Cloudflare Pages

Follow these steps if you are using Cloudflare Pages as your CI/CD environment:

  1. Get the license key and add it to your Cloudflare Pages environment as an environment variable with the name CAPAWESOME_TOKEN as described in Environment variables.
  2. Create a new file named .npmrc in the root of your project and add the following content:


    If you already have an .npmrc file in your project and therefore local development no longer works, you can also Manage Multiple Environments.

Alternatively, you can also build your project with a different CI/CD environment and only use Cloudflare Pages for hosting.

GitHub Actions

Follow these steps if you are using GitHub Actions as your CI/CD environment:

  1. Get the license key and add it to your repository as an encrypted secret with the name CAPAWESOME_TOKEN as described in Creating encrypted secrets for a repository.
  2. Add the following step to your GitHub Actions workflow before installing the npm dependencies:

    - name: Configure the Capawesome npm registry
      run: |
        echo "@capawesome-team:registry=" >> .npmrc
        echo "//${{ secrets.CAPAWESOME_TOKEN }}" >> .npmrc

Ionic Appflow

Follow these steps if you are using Ionic Appflow as your CI/CD environment:

  1. Get the license key and add it to your Ionic Appflow environment as an encrypted secret with the name CAPAWESOME_TOKEN as described in Using private npm modules.
  2. Create a new file named .npmrc in the root of your project and add the following content:
