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Capawesome is an open source organization which provides various resources (plugins, guides, etc.) free to use. The huge amount of effort needed to maintain this resources and create new resources is only made possible thanks to the generous financial support of our sponsors.

Current Sponsors

How to Sponsor

Thank you for considering sponsoring our work! Sponsorships can be done via GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective or Polar. Payment receipts are provided by the platforms. Both monthly-recurring sponsorships and one-time donations are accepted.

Feel free to take a look at the different tiers and choose the one that fits you best.

If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].


We offer different tiers of sponsorships. Each tier has its own benefits. The higher the tier, the more benefits you get.

Recurring sponsorships

Recurring sponsorships are the best way to support us. They help us to plan our work and ensure the long-term sustainability of our projects.


Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities.


  • Receive a Sponsor badge
  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories
  • Invite to our private Discord server

Sponsor with $5 a month

Individual Insider

Choose for non-commercial use.

You get immediate access to our Sponsorware - our latest open source work available exclusively to sponsors for non-commercial use.


  • Receive a Sponsor badge
  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories
  • Invite to our private Discord server
  • Access to Sponsorware (Non-commercial use)

Sponsor with $15 a month

Business Insider

Choose for commercial use.

You’re using our code, about to earn money and want to give something back.

You get immediate access to our Sponsorware - our latest open source work available exclusively to sponsors for commercial use.


  • Receive a Sponsor badge
  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories
  • Invite to our private Discord server
  • Access to Sponsorware (Commercial use)

Sponsor with $50 a month

Bronze Sponsor

You get immediate access to our Sponsorware - our latest open source work available exclusively to sponsors for commercial use. You will also be listed as a Bronze Sponsor in our repositories on GitHub.


  • Receive a Sponsor badge
  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories
  • Invite to our private Discord server
  • Access to Sponsorware (Commercial use)
  • Get a shoutout on X

Sponsor with $100 a month

Silver Sponsor

You get immediate access to our Sponsorware - our latest open source work available exclusively to sponsors for commercial use. You will also be listed as a Silver Sponsor in our repositories on GitHub. In addition, once a month we will prioritize a bug report of your choice in one of our repositories with a workload of 2 hours or less.


  • Receive a Sponsor badge
  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories
  • Invite to our private Discord server
  • Access to Sponsorware (Commercial use)
  • Get a shoutout on X
  • Prioritize a bug report of your choice (2 hours/month)

Sponsor with $250 a month

Gold Sponsor

You get immediate access to our Sponsorware - our latest open source work available exclusively to sponsors for commercial use. You will also be listed as a Gold Sponsor in our repositories on GitHub. In addition, once a month we will prioritize a feature request or bug report of your choice in one of our repositories with a workload of 4 hours or less.


  • Receive a Sponsor badge
  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories
  • Invite to our private Discord server
  • Access to Sponsorware (Commercial use)
  • Get a shoutout on X
  • Prioritize a feature request or bug report of your choice (4 hours/month)
  • Contribute to our roadmap and propose new plugins

Sponsor with $500 a month

One-time sponsorships

One-time sponsorships are a great way to support us if you can't commit to a recurring sponsorship.


Support us with a one-time donation and help us continue our activities.


  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories

Sponsor with any amount


A 1-hour video call with @robingenz, the creator and maintainer of the project. He is happy to share his experiences with you and help you with anything related to his work.


  • Get listed as a sponsor in our repositories
  • Get a 1-hour consulting session

Sponsor with $200